
Fisheries Department

Departmental schemes operated in the district

Due to the geographical location of the district of Tehri Garhwal, land as small areas, are available as terraced fields in mountainous areas, and the water retention capacity of the available land is also low. In this context, cluster-based poly-liners are being constructed in mountainous areas. Currently, district sector, state sector and central sector projects are being implemented in the Tehri district.

Under District Sector-

  1. Pond Development Plan – Under this plan, fish seeds will be stored and conserved at selected sites in the district where fish production is declining continuously, and publicity and seminar-related activities will be conducted.
  2. Integrated Fish Farming Unit
    • Districts will provide 50% subsidy to general category people and 60% subsidy to scheduled caste people for the construction of a 20 square meter chicken/duck shed for integrated fish farming. The remaining cost will be borne by the beneficiary.
    • Districts will also provide subsidized rates for the establishment of trout indoor hatchery, backyard ornamental unit, bioflock unit, mobile fish outlet, and various inputs such as fish feed, net (net cover), handnet, insulated box/crate, fish seed, 3 inch HDPE pipe, mini ice maker, aerator, etc. under the district plan.
  3. Fish Productivity Enhancement Scheme-This scheme includes the following activities:
    • Pond improvement: The scheme includes the improvement of damaged ponds that were previously constructed by the department. The cost of improving a 100 square meter pond is Rs. 40,000. The department provides a 50% subsidy for the improvement of ponds, and a single person can be benefited for a maximum of 2 units.
    • Cluster-based pond construction: The scheme includes the construction of fish ponds in clusters. The beneficiaries will construct the ponds using the poly liner method. The pond depth will be at least 1.25 meters. The ponds will be constructed according to the area of the available land.

Grant arrangement: The grant amount for preparing the pond, water supply, and polythene application is Rs. 1,000 per cubic meter. The general category beneficiaries will receive a 50% grant for the total cost, and the scheduled caste beneficiaries will receive a 60% grant. The grant amount will be provided through the district plan.
Note: If the ponds are constructed in partnership with the MNREGA scheme, the general category beneficiaries will receive a 30% grant amount and the scheduled caste beneficiaries will receive a 20% grant amount (for labor and materials). The remaining amount will be borne by the beneficiary.

Under State Sector-

  1. Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan: Under this scheme, cluster-based poly-lined raw ponds will be constructed for the beneficiaries of Scheduled Caste. The beneficiary will be provided a grant of 60% of the total cost of the pond, at the rate of Rs. 1000 per cubic meter, for preparing the pond, supplying water and laying polythene.
  2. Ideal Pond Construction Scheme in Mountainous Areas: Under this scheme, cluster-based poly-lined raw ponds will be constructed for the beneficiaries of General Category. The beneficiary will be provided a grant of 50% of the total cost of the pond, at the rate of Rs. 1000 per cubic meter, for preparing the pond, supplying water and laying polythene.
  3. Fisheries Diversification Scheme: Under this scheme, only the person of Scheduled Caste category is benefited. The person who has got the pond constructed earlier under the scheme operated by the department, is payable Rs. 0.83 lakh for the construction and investment of chicken/duck pen. Rs. 0.42 lakh is payable for the improvement of the pond damaged by natural calamities etc.
  4. State Fisheries Input Scheme: Under this scheme, 50% departmental grant and 50% expenditure will be made by the beneficiary for fish feed etc.

Centrally Sponsored Schemes-

Presently the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana is being run by the Centre. The following works are being conducted under Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana.

  1. Construction of Trout Raceways- Under this scheme, raceways are constructed on the basis of 01 unit (25mtX2mtX1.0mt). According to the standards, the benefit of up to four units is payable to the individual beneficiary, and the grant is payable up to a maximum of 20 units to the committee,Under this scheme, 40 percent grant for general category and 60 percent grant is payable by the department for women/scheduled caste beneficiaries in relation to the cost amount of Rs.3.00 for construction of one unit trout raceways.
    For the constructed raceways, 40 percent grant is given by the department to the general category and 60 percent grant to the women/scheduled caste beneficiaries in relation to the cost amount of Rs. 2.50 on the first year investment like fish feed, fish seed etc.Other activities are also included under Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana – such as fish kiosk, insulated/refrigerator vehicle, backyard ornamental unit, RAS unit, biofloc unit, trout hatchery etc.

other tasks

Fish seed distribution-
Trout in the month of January-February, Common Carp, Amur Carp in the month of April-June and Indian Major Carp in the month of July-September are distributed at the rates fixed by the Fish Seed Department.For this, it is necessary to submit the seed indent in advance in the office of Assistant Director Fisheries, Tehri Garhwal.